Saturday, August 31, 2019

Macbeth †Character assessment Essay

The 3 witches have told Macbeth that he will become king. He tells this news to his wife, Lady Macbeth . She starts plotting the murder of Duncan, the king of Scotland. A messenger then arrives at Dunsinane telling her that Duncan will be visiting them that evening. In this scene Macbeth kills Duncan. Setting This play takes place on stage. The play is set in 1600’s in the Scottish Highlands. The stage is bare apart from a bench, a bucket and well, there is a backdrop of the castle at the rear of the stage. Character Profiles Macbeth Stunned at what he has just done Angry – with both himself and Lady Macbeth Becomes quite hysterical Pure shock Lady Macbeth Evil voice Devious Cunning Calm throughout 4th witch very clever & Very evil A soft blue light falls onto the stage with a white spot light on Lady Macbeth, the light including spot light turns green during Lady Macbeth’s speech. Lady Macbeth sits on bench at stage rear holding a pure black cat. (A black cat is connected with witches, Lady Macbeth is the 4th witch). Lady Macbeth starts to say her speech in an evil, cold, powerful, crackle of a voice. Here she will be talking to her cat rather than herself. Here she talks of the fatal bellman, this signifies death. An organ is playing in the background (organs are played at funerals, and signify death, a murder has just taken place). Macbeth backs onto the stage very slowly almost in a trance. He turns to face Lady Macbeth â€Å"I have done the deed.† – saying this like in complete shock but realisation as much to himself as to Lady Macbeth. Macbeth: â€Å"Did though not hear a noise?† Lady Macbeth: â€Å"The owl scream and the crickets cry† (Elizabethans would know These things represented Death) Lady Macbeth: Did thou not speak? Quick, Macbeth: When? Panicky, Lady Macbeth: Now. Shows Macbeth: As I descended? Nerves, Lady Macbeth: Ay. and. Macbeth: Hark! tension Who lies in the 2nd chamber? Lady Macbeth: Donalbain Macbeth: This is a sorry sight! (angry, shouting, he sees the blood). Lady Macbeth: A foolish thought to say (trying to calm him whilst putting her cat Down). Macbeth is now slumped on the floor with his head in his hands saying lines 21-25. Remaining slumped he says lines 26-30, but this time in a whisper. In these lines Macbeth talks about sleep. Only innocence is allowed to sleep, Macbeth cannot sleep anymore, for he is now evil. â€Å"Macbeth shall sleep no more!† Macbeth also talks about not being able to say amen, this is because he is no longer holy. Lady Macbeth stands to his right looking down on him, this shows her power over him. She says â€Å"Consider it not so deeply.† In an impatient, and almost dismissive voice. Macbeth: â€Å"Sleep no more Macbeth does murder sleep!† Lady Macbeth: â€Å"Why have you got these daggers? They must rest by Duncan.† Lady Macbeth grabs the daggers. Macbeth is afraid to go back to Duncan’s chamber, for he cannot bear to look at what he has done. â€Å"If Duncan do bleed then I shall place the daggers in the arms of the guards, for it will seem their guilt!† she says this in an evil yet excited whisper. Exits stage left, running. Her evil and cunning nature has now been fully exposed to the audience. (A loud knocking is heard, the knocking comes from speakers all around the theatre, so the audience is surrounded by the knocking). Macbeth: Is in complete hysteria cries line 59-60. The blood is represented by long red ribbons attached to his finger tips and his clothes. He walks over to the well and tries to wash the blood from his hands. â€Å"All Neptune’s great oceans could not wash these hands clean.† Neptune is God of water, so here Macbeth is saying all the water in the world could not wash the blood away. I think he was trying to wash away his crime and his guilt by getting rid of the blood, as this was just a visual reminder of the wrong he had done. He pretends to throw the blood stained water over the floor. A watery red light appears on the stage floor rippling with waves. Lady Macbeth appears back on stage with her hands out in front of her, her hands and clothing are soaked with blood (red ribbons). She holds her hands up to Macbeth’s face, he turns away from her. She starts to speak in an evil, cold, and angry voice â€Å"my hands are of your colour , but I shame to wear a heart so white.† The knocking starts again. Lady Mabeth spins around in a sudden panic, â€Å"I hear knocking!† Lady Macbeth says the rest of her speech in the same quick startled tone. This is the only time in the scene where LM shows her nerves. Macbeth in complete hysteria with tears running down his cheeks â€Å"Wake Duncan with your knocking, I would thou couldst!† At this point M’s weakness is most apparent, at this point I feel that he would be ready to confess all. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth exit stage right. Lady Macbeth now calm again, strides off confidently. Macbeth crawls off on his hands and knees. This shows the difference between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is remorseful, guilt ridden and hysterical with disbelief. Lady Macbeth on the other hand is confident, calm, excited, and seems completely unfazed by the fact that she has helped murder her king. Her power over him is enormous, and makes you wonder whether Macbeth was in a trance to even be able to comprehend killing his king let alone actually doing it. At the end of the scene the lights suddenly go out the theatre is pitch black.

12 Angry Men: Leadership Essay

In the movie 12 Angry Men there were two primary examples of leadership. The first was in the beginning of the movie, when the foreman gets everyone together in the room and has them sit down, assigning them each a number. He then proceeds to go over the process and rules they will proceed with, and sets up the initial voting. After the initial voting, he has them go around in a circle one by one to discuss the reasons why they voted the way they did. As the film progresses, the leadership shifts towards man number 8, the one who initially voted not guilty. He demonstrates behavioral leadership as he begins to give information and supporting arguments of why there could be reasonable doubt to accuse the boy of murder, while staying calm and collected and involving the team members input in the discussion. He begins standing up and persuasively presenting his arguments, winning the team over one by one. Roles: The two men demonstrating leadership within the group were the two who most demonstrated task roles. The foreman performed task roles when he set up the initial voting and numbering process, and how they would each present one at a time around the circle. Man number 8 played the role of information seeker as he dug deeper into the alleged witness information, questioning the testimony and setting up scenarios to demonstrate that the testimony could have been misleading. He proved over and over again that there was reasonable doubt to the testimony given, as demonstrated when he set up the model of the hallway and walked it like the old man. He also proved reasonable doubt when he brought up the fact that the woman who had allegedly seen the murder through the el-train had worn glasses, and that she most likely was not wearing glasses in bed when she allegedly looked up and saw the murder occur through the window. There were many social roles performed within the group as well. The foreman acted in the role of keeping everyone in line and in turn when things got a little out of hand. Men 3 and 10 were both opinion givers, stating strong preferences against the boy, saying things about how boys who grow up in slums are born criminals. Man number 7 was a compromiser when he opted to change his vote to not guilty because he thought it would get them out of the room quicker, as his only concern was getting to his baseball game. Man number 8 played the role of convincer, as he went through each piece of evidence one by one and breaking down the evidence to prove that there could have been reasonable doubt to whether the boy was the murderer or not. He did this in several ways, such as the presentation of the hallway model and glasses theory discussed in the leadership section, as well as the testimony about the knife that was found, by pulling an identical one out of his pocket and saying he purchased it cheaply two blocks from where the murder took place at a pawn shop. As far as boundary spanning roles, the only boundary spanning that occurred within this group was when man number 8 asked the man outside the room for the evidence of the knife that was used and the model of the apartment that the old man lived in. There were many participation problems within this group as well. There was constant interruption of one another by just about every man in the room. This interrupted the rules that had been set of each man taking a turn in circle presenting their opinions and the support for their opinions. The group did not foster a safe environment for each member to discuss their opinion either. Whenever one man would raise a question about the possibility of reasonable doubt or change their vote to not guilty there would be an uproar, mostly from men numbers 3 and 10. Perhaps another reason the group performed so poorly was because there was no relational development within the group. They were there strictly to perform a task, leading to poor team cohesion and lack of trust among one another. Men number 3 and 10 among others also demonstrated aggression, which led to much of the unhealthy conflict put forth within the group. By choosing aggression over cooperation, they put themselves at an automatic disadvantage within the group, as aggression led to a lack of credibility among those who demonstrated it. The group did not share a common goal, which also led to poor performance. Some team members had alternative motives, such as man number 3 who was showing aggression towards teen boys because of the poor experience he had with his own teenager and man number 7 who wanted to get in and out of the discussion as quickly as possible because he had baseball tickets for that night. The bigotry and grudge against teenage boys prevented men numbers 3 and 10 from being constructive team members and probably should have disqualified them from serving on that jury in the first place. This team dealt with participation problems within the group in a number of ways. One way was that they began sticking up for each other when one man would become aggressive towards another. The group moved away from man number 10 when he went on his rampage about young boys and how they are all criminals, prompting man number 4 to tell him to shut his mouth and not speak again. Decision Making: The 12 angry men were forced into making a consensus decision because that was the only way they could present a verdict to the judge. They used nominal group technique because their decision making was solely task related and required no social relational development. They used a democratic voting system and kept re-voting until the vote was unanimous. They mostly used open voting where each member raised their hand but in one instance did use secret voting where they submitted their decisions via ballot. The consensus approach was not very effective for this group at first given how far apart some group members were on their stances, but given the severity of their decision it was definitely the appropriate approach to use. Power & Influence: Man number 8 demonstrated the most different types of power throughout the debate. He demonstrated informational power at first by providing information about discrepancies in some of the evidence and witness testimony in the case, such as when he brought out the knife he had purchased at a pawn shop near the crime scene for very cheap, demonstrating that it was possible that the knife found at the crime scene was not the one that had belonged to the boy accused of murder. He began to develop referent power as the movie progressed, as one by one he won over the group members until they were all backing him and supporting his case. The foreman began with legitimate power as he was the head of the group and assigned the men their numbers and set the rules for how the discussion would progress, but quickly lost that power as other men began to break the set rules and become unruly. Man number 5 demonstrated expert power when he showed the men how to properly use a switch blade knife, proving that the shorter boy would not have been able to stab downward into his taller father if he was holding the knife properly. Man number 6 demonstrated information power about how loud the passing el-trains were because he worked by one for a couple weeks. Therefore his information was able to discredit the old man’s testimony about having heard the boy scream â€Å"I’m gonna kill you† from the apartment. Man number 9 demonstrated information power about the woman who had supposedly seen the murder occur when he remembered she had been rubbing marks by her nose, meaning that she wore glasses. Man number 4 gave credibility to this theory and said that he did not wear glasses to bed and that nobody would, discrediting the women’s claims to have looked up from bed and seen the murder occur through the windows of the passing el-train. Man number 6 demonstrated coercive power towards man number 3 when man number 3 threatened man number 9, telling man number 3 that if he threatened 9 again he would lay him out. Information power proved to be the most effective in this case because the information presented was really the only factor in changing the men’s votes from guilty to not guilty. Conflict: Task conflict occurred during the decision making process on whether the jury should continue debating the murder or deliver a hung jury verdict. Process conflict occurred when the foreman told man number 10 he could be the leader if he wanted when man number 10 questioned the leadership style of the foreman, to which man number 10 quickly backed down. Another example of process conflict was when man number 8 takes away the tic tac toe game from men numbers 12 and 3, scolding them for playing a game during a serious trial when they should not be taking things lightly. Relational conflict occurred most often during this movie, such as the conflict between men numbers 10 and 5 when man number 10 made a remark about slums and how he didn’t want any part of those people. Man number 5, who had grown up in a slum, became offended and said â€Å"maybe you can still smell the garbage on me. † Relational conflict also occurred when the men dealt with the bigotry of man number 10 by turning their backs on him, and when man number 4 told him to shut his mouth and not speak again. The conflict styles of the jurors differed greatly also. Man number 12 displayed avoidance, particularly when he kept talking about his marketing firm and playing tic tac toe with man number 3. Men numbers 2 and 9 displayed accommodation at the beginning, when they were hesitant to raise their hands for the guilty verdict but seemed to do so because everyone else was. Man number 7 also displayed accommodation when he changed his vote to not guilty later in the movie because he thought it would help get the group out of there faster so he could make his aseball game on time. Men numbers 3 and 10 displayed mostly confrontational conflict style because in order to get their points across they would stand up from the table, yell and scream about their points, and get in the faces and disrespect others who disagreed with them. Man number 8 was the primary one to display collaboration, because he worked well with the other men and the evidence to come to conclusions about the various evidence and testimony presented in the case. Most of the conflicts in this case were not successfully resolved because of the yelling and bigotry that took place between many of the men. At times even the rather calm men who displayed collaboration such as men 2 and 9 began yelling at the others who had started the unhealthy conflict. The more information that was provided and the more conclusions that the men came to about the evidence, the more healthy the conflict styles became save for those of men 3 and 10, who displayed unhealthy conflict styles until the very end of the movie.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Scanning the Business Environment

The ability to think and plan for the future in a manner that is strategically advantageous for the firm requires many creative techniques. Even though some of these techniques may prove to have better and more obvious advantages, many strategists prefer to use all of them to gain different insights into the data presented to them. The variety of perspectives that these different techniques provide enables strategists to develop strategies that encompass a variety of problems and opportunities. They can then foresee many contingencies or issues and make plans to take account of them in their plans for the future of the company. Some of the techniques used include extrapolation, brainstorming, Delphi Technique and scenario building. Brainstorming is the most widely used extrapolation technique due to its incredible array of advantages. Some it being that it enables constructive criticism on the spot for all ideas and those ideas that cannot ‘stand the heat’ buck out. It enables many heads to come and focus on one core issue and bring in their various expertises onto the table. Linneman & Klein, December 1983). Delphi method is a different type of brainstorming where in different experts are presented with the same problem and asked to present their opinions, assumptions and solution based on their understanding of the problem at hand. Delphi Method is peculiar in the sense that the individuals do not meet face to face unlike in brainstorming sessions where in all members constructively criticize each problem and propose a final outcome via consensus. Morgan, Hunt, 2002) In Delphi method there is no face to face interaction at all and individuals are asked to report their findings to a coordinator who then compiles and resends the findings to the individual members who then submit recommendations till a final consensus is achieved. This method takes much more time to reach a consensus due to the fact that there is no face to face interaction and a coordinator has to be present to compile data. Its advantage on the other hand is that individuals are allowed to present their completely developed ideas without being interrupted and criticized (Linneman, Klein, December 1983). Prediction via extrapolation techniques involves having a set of variables, independent and dependent and then using them to logically calculate the unknown independent variable. Mathematical calculations can be easily used to solve typical ratio or linear problems but since all relationships are not linear or so easily defined it comes down to the interpreter’s capabilities to understand and rationalize a problem. One can either use mathematical representation to solve such problems or they can also be solved graphically which is why their solution and interpretation are very easy to get compared to other predictive techniques. Scenario building as a predictive technique also has its own advantages whereby individuals run marketing analyses of environmental contexts and this analysis leads to the determining of various marketing strategies for response, action or selection. The chosen strategies need to fit or be adaptive of the changing environments (Morgan, Hunt, 2002). References: Morgan, Hunt, Robert E, Shelby D. (2002). Determining marketing strategy: A cybernetic systems approach to scenario planning. Emerald, 36, Retrieved June, 23, 2009, from Linneman, Klein, Robert E., Harold E. (December, 1983). Long Range Planning: The use of multiple scenarios by U.S. industrial companies. Science Direct, 16, Retrieved June, 23, 2009, from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

American Eagle Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American Eagle Company - Essay Example It also ships them worldwide through the website. AE has introduced a new label called â€Å"aerie by American Eagle† targeting young female customers with a collection of dormwear and intimates that includes bras, undies, camis, hoodies, robes, boxers, sweats and leggings. They are specifically designed to be sweetly sexy for everyday stylish wear. These are currently sold in 19 exclusive stores as well as on its website called Apart from this AE has now targeted 25 to 40 year old customers with yet another brand called MARTIN+OSA using denim and sportswear as a base covering apparel, accessories and footwear. This is sold in 13 stores as well through its website AE had a sale of $ 2.98523 billion with profits of $ 411 million during the last financial year and expects a slight fall this year due to extended warm weather. A SWOT analysis displays the company outlook in detail. 6. Compared with competition it has fared better in the 2nd quarter of 2007 as it suffered a fall in sales of only 2% compared to industry suffering between 2 and 11 per cent. This shows that it is more popular than others. 1. Due to Global Warming warm weather has been extended in 2007 resulting in a longer summer. This resulted in a fall in sale of abut 2% in the 2nd quarter and the forecast of sales in 3rd quarter has been reduced. This will impact year on year sales and profitability. 3. It went on expansion through the takeover and merger route and in one case it backfired badly. Bluenotes of Canada with 100 stores was acquired in 2001 but since this too served nearly the same segment, 12-22 year olds, it failed and had to be sold off in 2004. 6. By sticking to one demographic segment (15-25 year) predominantly has made the company kaleidoscopic and the market also perceives it as a one segment player. Fresh competition will eat away

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Medical Torture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Medical Torture - Research Paper Example This was essentially the same debate that existed in Britain during the nineteenth century on vivisections (Miller 334). If the prisoner dies from taking the herb medicine, then that herb plant or its active ingredients can be eliminated from the list of possible medicinal drugs from the list kept by the imperial doctors. If the prisoner gets well, then that herbal concoction gets examined for its other healing properties and included in that precious list. Ancient Chinese medicine could be cited here as an example of medical practices that may have bordered on the unethical if it is considered within today’s stricter context in bio-ethics. Acupuncturists could not gain much knowledge about the human body without using live humans as experimental subjects. There are obvious advantages to using live human subjects in medical experiments. A need to examine the effects of certain drugs or surgical procedures on live subjects gives the immediate feedback that has great importance on the search for medical knowledge. The field of medical science did not cringe from using live animals for experiments, such as monkeys and rats, until these practices were banned only recently for humanitarian reasons. Discussion China was not alone in the ancient world in its search for cures of human ailments. Other ancient civilizations such as those in Iraq, Egypt and Persia also contributed to the accumulation of human medical knowledge. The search for a cure can be considered as the corollary to a much deeper search – the search for the fountain of youth and immortality. In ancient Chinese traditional medicine, emperors constantly consulted with their sage doctors or physicians regarding such topics as pathology, diagnostics, acupuncture and moxibution. The ancient priests of Egypt succeeded in developing the lost medical art of mummification in their quest for immortality and in building the pyramids to house their mummies. In ancient China, these sage physicians an d erudite teachers discussed medicine in the wider context of the overall Chinese culture to encompass other areas of knowledge such as cosmology, astronomy, geography, military science, philosophy and divination (Galambos 1). It can be said that the search for medical answers to some of the most baffling diseases like cancer continues today. Although medical professionals are expected to adhere to the ancient oath of Hippocrates, there are a few rogue elements that will resort to shortcuts and unethical methods to obtain their research. This is especially tempting to people who have illusions of grandeur, such as being the first to discover the cure for cancer, as an example. A more recent experience with medical experimentation was that of Nazi Germany in which prisoners were used in experiments, sometimes without the use of anesthesia, to test the limits of human endurance and tolerance for pain. Their use of live humans was founded on the false science of eugenics based on hered ity and Darwin’s theory of evolution. Famous people were captivated by an allure of eugenics (literally, good genes) like Winston Churchill and John Maynard Keynes among others, to include US presidents Roosevelt and Wilson. It was a by-product of the Progressive Movement to attain social progress (Winfield 59). Eugenics apparently lost favor because of those inhuman and unauthorized series of experiments which even some medical scientists found to be revolting. The practice of the false

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

History of the Olympic Games and their meaning Research Paper

History of the Olympic Games and their meaning - Research Paper Example During the ancient Olympic Games, there was a period of the sacred truce. This period was during the month of the Olympiad. This period called for a cessation of all hostilities for safe movement of athletes to and from Olympia (Hellenic Information Society 1). The game served to unite the Greeks and amplified the Greeks sense of national unity. However, the game became international as the Greeks moved to other areas such as Syria and Egypt. They engaged in maintenance of their culture, and this was only possible through building athletic facilities and continuing their sporting traditions. This was also extended to the Roman Empire when roman citizenship was accorded to any person within the Roman Empire. This way the game had an international nature. This was also made possible when the Greek government reinstated the games in 1896. The modern Olympic Games are because of Baron Pierre de Coubertin. He started the successful campaign to revive the games in the 19th century. The first of the modern games began on Sunday, March 24, 1896, in Athens Greece (Hellenic Information Society 1). This was a summer Olympic Games. This was 1500 years later. He was also instrumental in the establishment of the International Olympic committee. In the modern Olympic Games, athletes match skills and stamina in a series of contest best known as Olympic Games. Almost all the nations send teams of selected athletes to take part in competitions. The main idea of the games is to promote friendship among nations. ... However, the game became international as the Greeks moved to other areas such as Syria and Egypt. They engaged in maintenance of their culture, and this was only possible through building athletic facilities and continuing their sporting traditions. This was also extended to the Roman Empire when roman citizenship was accorded to any person within the Roman Empire. This way the game had an international nature. This was also made possible when the Greek government reinstated the games in 1896. The modern Olympic Games are because of Baron Pierre de Coubertin. He started the successful campaign to revive the games in the 19th century. The first of the modern games began on Sunday, March 24, 1896, in Athens Greece (Hellenic Information Society 1). This was a summer Olympic Games. This was 1500 years later. He was also instrumental in the establishment of international Olympic committee. In the modern Olympic Games, athletes match skills and stamina in a series of contest best known as Olympic Games. Almost all the nations send teams of selected athletes to take part in competitions. The main ideal of the games is to promote friendship among nations. The winter Olympic Games were added in 1924. However, the games were cancelled in both World War I and II. The separation of the summer and winter Olympic Games was done in 1992. From this period, both of the events alternate after four years. There is also an Olympic flame. This acts as an important symbol of the games. This flame traverses those countries holding the Olympics few months before the official start. Runners with torches carry it. It is used to light a much bigger fire at the onset of the games and this last until the end of the competitions (British Council 1). Moreover, there is

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Magisterium & Ecumenical Councils and General Documents Essay

The Magisterium & Ecumenical Councils and General Documents - Essay Example An Outline of Nichols’s Treatment of the Relationship between Theologians and the Magisterium According to the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, lumen Gentium, the magisterium, i.e the pope and the bishops of the Catholic Church constitute the teaching authority of the Church. Having direct apostolic succession from the disciples of Jesus Christ, the magisterium of the Church has legitimate authority from Jesus Christ himself to preach and to spread the Gospel everywhere, to the ends of the world. As such, the catholic faithful are expected to faithfully respect and obey the teachings and the directives of the magisterium. But, although the Magisterium derives its authority from Jesus Christ himself, due to natural human limitations, sometimes the directions and the teachings of the magisterium are in need of refinements and improvements. This fact has led to the debate and the controversy between the relationship of the theologians, who often propose refinements of the tea chings of the magisterium, and the magisterium, which constitute the legitimate teaching authority of the Church. The following is the outline of the relationship between theologians and the Magisterium according to Nichols. ... the Holy Spirit will always shower abundant spiritual gifts upon the members of the Magisterium, thus giving them the directives on how to lead the people of God in accordance with the will of God. In this view, the Holy Spirit will guide the Magestrium in all the teachings of the church and rid the Church of errors. The theologian therefore is expected to abide by the teachings of the Magisterium and to be guided by all the teachings of the Magisterium in all their interpretations of the Scriptures and the traditions of the Church. In this view, the theologian is not given any clear cut distinctive role in the Church because their functions is merely to make known/ to interpret the teachings of the Magisterium. The main problem with this approach is that, the rightful distinctive position of the theologian among the people of God is not recognized and respected. Theologians are treated merely as the other faithful. The work of the theologians is not viewed as an ecclesial duty given by God for the good of all the members of the Church and, therefore, the theologian is not viewed as possessing a divine calling for the good of the Church. For this reason, theologians are not accorded their rightful distinctive position among the members of the Church. With this approach, theologians, therefore, are not encouraged to come up with divergent opinions, but instead they are expected to limit their studies to what is already accepted by the Magisterium. The second view of the relationship between the Magisterium and the theologians is the view that the theologian’s work is a direct derivative of the ordinary Magisterium. According to this view there is a master- servant relationship between the work of a theologian and Magisterium. Magisterium is the master while the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Online dating Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Online dating - Research Paper Example The practice of taking someone out for a date is called ‘asking out’ someone and it is usually taken as in invitation to date. With the advent of technology there has been a shift in the dating avenues used. Where communication has become faster and cost-effective, and social networks allow one to search for and interact with people with similar interests, thus, dating too has become virtual. Online Dating refers to an act of getting to know someone through electronic means which can be through the internet or cellphones and it allows people at communicate and get to know people at a long distance (Merkle 187).Free video chatting allows one to not only talk to someone but also see and hear them while talking to them. The only sense that is not present in online dating, as compared to conventional dating, is that of smell and touch. History The evolution of dating dates back to the early 1920s when men and women would interact with each other under supervision of the elde rs or at parlors where it was customary to mingle and socialize with the opposite gender. This was replaced with taking women out for drinks or diners. Later, this socializing moved to activities like spending time at parks, a movie theatre or art galleries etc. giving the couple something to talk about, break the ice and get on with the conversation. This was followed by revolution of dating in terms of increased intimacy in order to gauge suitability. This age is prevalent to this day and courtship or marriage has taken a back seat as far as relationships are concerned. Pen paling was an activity associated with writing to get to know and befriending people who were at a distance. In the digital age, this was replaced by online pen paling or social networking. In consequence, this friendship aspect took a romantic turn and the internet became the new medium to search for potential life partners. Prevalence There is no question about the popularity and gaining momentum of online da ting. In this world of chaos, one has a hard time coming across people who have similar mindsets, interests etc. The internet provides an array of dating sites that feature profiles of people from all backgrounds. This makes it easier to not only search someone of likeness but also narrows down the number of people to a selected few. The availability of other people on online dating sites also signify that they are looking for a partner too, and so they are more open to the idea and easy to approach. Initially, this service was started by, e-harmony and plenty-of-fish. When the practice became acceptable and popular, more joined them and now there is a bandwagon of such sites all over the internet. The most popular ones, apart from the mentioned pioneers, are Yahoo personals, JDate, etc. The popularity of this dating service can be determined from the fact that 37% of the single individuals in the United States visited online Dating Sites (Hitsch 130). Causes of Online Dating The main purpose of indulging in online dating is the urge to get involved in a romantic relationship. People on a pursuit of potential partners use online dating to get to know people who have been filtered according to their interests, gender, physique, religion etc. Virtual dating is not only specific but also faster as compared to conventional dating due to its 24

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Dissertation proposal either in marketing, Finance or internantional Essay

Dissertation proposal either in marketing, Finance or internantional. business MBA level - Essay Example The typical questions that come in mind are whether such factors have a significant impact in enhancing the sales of the company or not. If yes, then would it be beneficial for the companies to give more focus towards their products packaging and placement of their products on shelves in retail stores. For exploring these questions, there is a need to conduct a research, which may provide guidelines to the companies and retailers regarding the packaging and shelf positioning of products. Planned purchases do not constitute all sales; as a matter of fact, a significant portion of total sales is composed of impulse buying which shows inevitable variation with respect to factors such as packaging and shelf-positioning. Consequences: In the absence of such a research, the marketers will certainly be at a loss. They will not be able to gain an insight into the relationship of factors such as packaging and shelf positioning with Impulse buying, thereby obstructing their ability to manipulate these factors to their own advantage, which could otherwise lead to increased sale. The research paper selected as the base paper of this research is ‘Unplanned Buying and In-Store Stimuli in Supermarkets’, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 11, No. 2. (May, 1990), pg. 111-121 by Abratt, R. and D.G. Stephen (1990). ‘Impulse buying’ can be described as any purchase which a shopper makes but does not plan in advance and nowadays, a major junk of consumer purchases are being made without advance or prior planning (Hawkin Stern, 1962). Moreover, Hawkin also argued that Impulse buying, despite certain connotations attached to it, has become an efficient and sensible way of buying goods and the incidence of impulse buying are growing. Impulse buying has been seen to be at work mostly in the case of FMCGs. Unplanned purchasing occurs in many types of retail outlets; however, it is typically

Friday, August 23, 2019

Development of the Human Placenta Research Paper

Development of the Human Placenta - Research Paper Example According to the report blastomeres are separated into two parts by the blastocystic cavity, namely the trophoblast and the inner cell mass also called as embryo blast. Implantation is the first step in the development of placenta. Approximately at 6th day after fertilization the blastocyst attaches to the endometrium and the process of implantation begins. Now the trophoblast layer of the blastocyst at the embryonic pole gets differentiated into two layers, an inner layer called cytotrophoblast and an outer layer called as syncytiotrophoblast. Syncytiotrophoblast is highly invasive and expands quickly adjacent to the embryoblast, it produces enzymes that erode the maternal tissue enabling the blastocyst to burrow into the endometrium. The endometrial cells undergo apoptosis that facilitates invasion. The process of implantation is completed by the end of second week and the blastocyst is superficially implanted in the endometrium.This essay discusses that  at about day 10 blood fi lled lacunae appear in the syncytiotrophoblast which ultimately fuse at day 12 to form the lacunar network, the   primordia of   intervillous spaces of placenta,synsytiotrophoblast erodes the endometrial capillaries and maternal blood flows into these capillaries giving rise to the primordial utero placental circulation.  Villi that attach to the maternal tissues through the cytotrophoblastic shell are termed as stem villi from which the branch villi project. The decidua basalis is divided into many cotyledons by the placental septa, formed by the primary chorionic villi during erosion of the decidua basalis by them. Each cotyledon consists of one stem villus that gives rise to many branch chorionic villi and it is through the walls of these branch villi that the actual exchange of materials between the blood of mother and fetus occurs. At 20 weeks of pregnancy complete external membrane is formed consisting of amnion, chorion and decidua. Both maternal and fetal parts of placenta play role in immunoregulation that helps to protect the fetus from immune attack by the mother as the fetal part of placenta consists of both maternal and paternal genes that is it is an allograft, still it is not rejected by the mother’s immune system because of several reasons; 1. Trophoblastic cells express on their surface class I antigens including HLA-G that are nonpolymorphic and play role in allograft protection. 2. Syncytiotrophoblast of chorionic villi do not express MHC antigens on their surface and thus do not evoke an immune response. 3. Endometrium secretes certain immunosuppressive molecules for e.g; PGE2, TGF B and IL-10. 4. Ligands present on the trophoblast induce apoptosis of activated maternal leukocytes. 5. Increased percentage of CD 8+ cells and decrease in ratio of CD4+/CD8+ cells was found in distant and regional lymphatic organs during pregnancy.

Workplace Discrimination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Workplace Discrimination - Research Paper Example Humans have always developed ways of stereotyping their fellow human beings using age, race, gender, religion, or ethnicity as their basis. It is only in current days that individuals have taken the trouble to look at discrimination as a challenge instead of looking at it as a solution. For example, segregation on the basis of race was at one point taken to be part of the natural order. Moreover, the right to vote was withdrawn from people belonging to the members of the female population to protect the different communities, solely because females, by virtue of their appearance, were presumed not to posses the survival characteristics. In addition, there is no society which escaped the negative components presented by discrimination. Also, there is no society which can claim that it does not have elements of discrimination in its different structures today. Racial discrimination also has a long history, with a number of people seeing racial discrimination as a faultlessly natural fe ature of life. Nonetheless, in recent times, racial discrimination in the work place has become a more significant subject. Its increased presence may be the result of the opposition of different elements; the workforce that is still continuing to be racist, and a recession that places jobs at a premium and makes employers to be particularly choosy during employment (Feagin, 2006). This paper will look at racial discrimination in the modern workplace. The paper will accomplish this by analyzing a current case of workplace discrimination in drawing conclusions regarding the effects of discrimination on organizational productivity. In America, it is constitutionally unlawful to engage in any form of discrimination against employees based on any reason, but the cases and evidences of workplace discrimination seem to be increasing with every passing day. In today’s world of competition, it has become extremely important for organizations to stop workplace discrimination because i t is a factor that not only results in decreasing organizational productivity but also affects the quality of business processes. Although the government of the United States has implemented effective laws, such as, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 to stop workplace discrimination, there is still a lot more that needs to be done to keep this negative element out of the workplace. Nevertheless, the basic federal laws that deal with racial discrimination in the workplace can all be found in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964. By and large, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 disallows employers from engaging in the following activities: refusing or failing to sign up an employee on the basis of their race; providing workers lesser benefits or paying a worker less because of the racial orientation; failing to give promotions, opportunities, or benefits to a worker because of their race; and segregating or not properly classifying applicants or workers by race (Memmi, 2000) . In addition, employment agencies are not allowed to reach decisions on work assignments on the basis of a person’s race. Also, labor representatives and unions cannot expel people or refuse membership to individuals because of their race. Discrimination on the basis of race in the workplace can be illustrated in a number of ways, some of which can be obvious or blatant. Nonetheless, racial discrimination can frequently be restrained and more difficult to notice, for example, an employer failing to promote an employee or higher an applicant because of their racial makeup. Therefore, it may be asserted that a worker who experiences unfavorable treatment because of his race is a victim of racial discrimination. Additionally, racial discrimina

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Food Nation Essay Example for Free

Food Nation Essay Food connotes more than just an intake to be able to sustain life. It is a reflection of a myriad of culture existing in a society. Looking at food, one can see its various fusions of cultural identities prepared to satisfy one’s appetite. Food is a perfect example of a world that enters into the process of globalization where nations embrace the flow of cultural exchange. Countries such as the United States and Italy are known for having diverse demographics. The diversity of its population brought influences into their food as well. However, although both countries may have fused each other’s culture into their food, there are still differences which make them distinct from each other such as how they handle and view food. The United States is one of the largest countries when it comes to its size and population. It has a wide variety of immigrants which flowed starting from the nineteenth century and as its population continues to grow, its culture has been as dynamic as its food (Counihan, 2002, p. 26). Large part of these immigrants later joined the American workforce as every parent became employed. The absence of either the mother or the father at home veered the majority of the population away from home-cooked meals. Eating out became an alternative for families to have their meals together and eating out means buying food from a restaurant (Schlosser, 2001, p. 4). From this concept of eating outside the confines of a home, the fast food world was born. The term â€Å"fast-food† refers to a speedy availability of food, further described as a â€Å"provision of limited, standard menu with quick service† (Royle Towers, 2002, p. 190). Fast food became not just a way to fill skipped meals at home but it turned out to be a lifestyle. The United States initially became known for its fast food because of the rise of popular food chains such as McDonald’s and Burger King. Its convenience of having ready-made food suits the lifestyle of people especially those who go to work early and go home late. Since there are a large number of working people in the United States, they flock to these restaurants to eat. Foods are being prepared in bulks to anticipate the huge numbers of customers. Most ingredients provided are delivered frozen. Cooking methods involved one or a couple of processes to guarantee its speed. Assembling ingredients in a line system like burger patties will be able to cook a dozen of it at the same time (Schlosser, 2001, p. 69). Some of the food ingredients only require adding hot water and it’s ready for preparation. Fast foods are usually packed in paper wraps, foil, and cartons. The materials of these wrappings are disposable which suites the people on-the-go to eat the food wherever they are. Despite the convenience brought about by fast food, healthier ingredients are being given up. As previously mentioned, ingredients are frozen which indicates that these are not fresh and devoid of its natural healthy components with much more added fats. Since Americans are busy with work with no time to prepare food for them, fast food becomes the next available fast option. Italians, on the other hand, became the center of what should be a counterpart of fast food. A country rich in culture, its food gained renowned identity throughout the world. Just like in the United States, Italian food is a lifestyle. It is a lifestyle which extends to close interaction with families and friends in a laid-back environment dining and drinking wine (Parasecoli, 2004, p. xii). The relaxed atmosphere among most Italian household can be seen as a break from the political and social unrest that reign the Italian state during history. Italian food is famous for the cheese, the wine, and the pasta. Made from a wide array of sea foods, vegetables, and meat; Italian food is prepared picking up the fresh ingredients and served as a craft of art. Ricotta, for example, is bought by locals straight from a shepherd on the day it is made (Harrison, 1989, p. 17). Italians regard their food not just as an energy provider but as a â€Å"medicine for the soul, one of life’s abiding pleasures† (Harrison, 1989, p. 17). Most of the Italian foods are cooked in accordance with traditions and the food preparation varies from the different regions of Milan and Florence (Harrison, 1989, p. 143). Taking this traditional view of Italian cuisine, a movement was established to retain not just the traditional cooking of the Italians but also all traditional cuisines of the world. The Slow Food movement is originally established as a counterpart of fast food. The idea of this movement is to make food from â€Å"scratch in your own kitchen† (Kummer, Cushner, Schlosser, 2002, p. 10) rather than the processed artificial food at fast food chains. Just like Italian food, the movement aims to take food as a pleasurable experience offered by life in contrary to fast foods (Pollan, 2008, p. 194). The Slow Movement suggests making food out of ingredients that are ideally grown in the backyard or farms, harvested, and cooked with other natural recipes. The people who eat the foods are not only consumers but co-producers as well. Just like the Italian food, this movement also promotes the pleasure of food eaten and shared communally (Pollan, 2006, p. 259). Though this movement proved to be promising, some may say that in contrast with fast-food, the Slow Food Movement is more expensive to obtain and to do. Since fast-food is more accessible and cheaper, the movement has been tagged as elitist and cannot be afforded by ordinary people (Kummer, et al. , p. 10). By its term of â€Å"slow-food,† this may not suit the lifestyle of most people coming from the working class due to the lack of time for food preparation. United States and Italy vary from the way they live their life with food. Though nowadays, some of their own cuisines have been inspired from one another. Their views of food have a huge gap as the two nations came from different backgrounds and developed cultures that set them apart from each other. Their cuisine style and food preparation became significant in the world today and though different in principles, people enjoy it nonetheless. References Counihan, C. (2002). Food in the USA: A Reader. New York: Routledge. Harrison, B. G. (1989). Italian Days.New York: Atlantic Monthly Press. Kummer, C. , Cusner, S. , Schlosser, E. (2002). The Pleasures of Slow Food: Celebrating Authentic Traditions, Flavors, and Recipes. USA: Chronicles Books. Parasecoli, F. (2004). Food Culture in Italy. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. Pollan, M. (2008). In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. New York: The Penguin Press. Royle, T. Towers, B. (2002). Labour Relations in the Global Fast-Food Industry. New York: Routledge. Schlosser, E. (2001). Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York: Houghton Mifflin Books.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Oligopolistic Market Model and Oil Prices

Oligopolistic Market Model and Oil Prices Executive Summary The report is prepared to explain how oligopolistic market model is the best model to relate to the current increase in the price of Oil. The Oil petroleum Organization is analyzed deeply which clearly depicts the oligopoly style of marketing by the members of OPEC. It has also examined by lot of research and based on recent reports that the OPEC tries to influence the oil prices by controlling the supply of oil production with the consent of all the members and tries to fix the oil prices in order to gain heavy profits. OPEC works on the same rule as followed by oligopoly market structure and hence clearly indicates its relation to each other and is best example of oligopoly market style. 1.0 Introduction The Oligopoly market structure is the market which has few producers and large number of buyers which gives these producers an advantage to control the market. According to (Scholasticus, 2010), the buyers have very less alternatives and do not have enough knowledge about the market. The producers inflate the prices of their goods to attract more customers by reducing prices leading to deflated price level.ÂÂ   Based on Scholastics writing in one of its articles, the producers have perfect knowledge of the consumers but consumers do not have any information about the producers or their act of influencing the prices has a negative effect on national economy. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Features of Oligopoly Market There are few producers and large number of buyers. The producers deal in differentiated products. (Jayasuriya, 2011, p. 87) One of the producer or firm become the leader of the group and makes others to agree or dominates them to fix the prices which results in price leadership. The competition in an Oligopoly market is intense and both price and non-price methods are used to attract more customers. For example in lot of advertisements, producers mention We will not be beaten on price. The price will be matched with the competitor selling price (Labs S. S.) In Oligopoly market, firms or producers get together to share a market and decide on prices. Because of an uncompetitive market structure, they enjoy heavy profit by raising the prices or lowering the prices to attract more customers resulting in entry barriers to this market. (Labs S. S.) According to recent study by Stanley St Labs., the competition is very different in oligopoly as compared to other markets forms. In other markets, it is violent because of the high competition to gain the market share but in oligopoly, the firms are interested to gain the market share by collaborating to earn heavy profits. Firms are mutually interdependent which means if one firm changes its prices, it will affect the sales of other firms. 2.2 Kinked Style Demand Curve According to (Stewart Rankin, 2008, p. 141), the oligopoly market structures have kinked demand curves and the demand curve for the product has two sections called inelastic and elastic section. demand curve.png Kinked Demand Curve The elasticity of demand depends on the amendments of rival companies price or service output. The assumption made here is that the all the companies would want a considerable market share along with heavy profits: There is no increase of price by one particular firm. This is elastic demand. There would be an adverse impact on the total revenue of the company. In a situation where the rival company reduces it prices in order to maintain its market share, it would be an inelastic demand curve. Due to reduction in prices again, this would impact the total revenue of the company. The Price warsÂÂ  between the firms does not benefit anyone but it benefits the consumers in fact. (ecoteacher) Based on the above graph, we state it faces kinked style demand curve because of these reasons: It shows price rigidity. It controls the market segment. Leader decides the market Price and others agree to it. It results in Mergers/cartels and collusion to control market. Producers decide on prices with the consent of others. It has Horizontal and Vertical Integration. 2.3 Few Industry examples given by Economists teachers society of South Australia are: The grocery market in Australia is oligopoly which is dominated by Woolworths and Coles. They have lot of stores in Australia and have an extensive distribution system across Australia. It is difficult to compete with these firms as it requires huge investment to gain the kind of market share as they have. The Automobile Industry is a form of oligopoly market. The world Oil production market or Oil refining is also another oligopoly dominated by the seven sisters multinational oil companies like BP, Shell, and Exxon. The telecommunications market in Australia was initially aÂÂ  monopoly but as new telecom service providers started operating, it resulted in a group of few giant telecom providers competing for a greater market share. 2.4 INTRODUCTION OF OPEC According to the OPEC Organization, OPEC is the intergovernmental organization (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) consisting of 12 oil producing and exporting countries across America, Asia and Africa continents. The members are Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, the Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates Venezuela. (About Opec, 2011) A report (OPEC organization, 2011) states that it was formed on September 14, 1960 in Baghdad, Iraq, by five Founder Members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. It was registered with the United Nations Secretariat on November 6, 1962 (UN Resolution No 6363). OPEC organization (2011) indicates their principal objectives as: To develop and maintain the petroleum policies for the Members Countries to safeguard their interests. To ensure the stability of the prices in the international oil markets to eliminate the unnecessary price fluctuations To provide a regular supply of petroleum to the nations while expecting a fair return on the petroleum industry investment. 2.5 OPEC: Oligopolistic market model TheÂÂ  Organisation of Petroleum Exporting CountriesÂÂ  orÂÂ  OPECÂÂ  is an oligopoly market which is dominated by the Arab oil producers as they hold the maximum amount of oil refineries which gives them an opportunity to dominate others and decide on prices. Cartel is another name for an oligopoly of producers of a commodity. (About Opec, 2011) The Members of OPEC tries to influence the world oil prices with the consent of all and they set the production quotas and become an effectiveÂÂ  cartelÂÂ  by restricting the sales. They deeply analyse the current market situation and anticipate future demand and supply to see various fluctuations of prices in the markets. After analysing the market scenario, they decide to raise or lower the oil production as agreed by all the members to maintain price stability and make the oil available for consumption. (corporation, 2003-2011) According to (Oil :Crisis and Collusion, 2011), OPEC was organized with the purpose of manipulating the oil prices by controlling oil supplies to the market. It controls approximately 80% of the worlds oil reserves and 40% of the worlds production among their 12 member states. As discussed earlier, it is dominated by Gulf States who can easily turn the taps on and off when required to influence the market prices. Even when the economy was facing an issue of recession, it did not have any effect on oil industry and were still making heavy profits. Hence, we can say that OPEC does play an important role in making decision of oil supply to the market which may affect the oil prices in a greater extent. The members have larger number of oil reserves and can increase or decrease the production or supply whenever they want. As they very well know that all the developing and developed nations wants oil and has almost become the necessity of life like food in todays lifestyle, so they try to earn as much as they can by controlling the prices with the kind of power they hold in their hands. However, we may say that OPEC has oil reserves and cannot produce more oil as they do not have any more oil reserves as overestimated by us. There can be lot of other reasons as well which may give rise to the oil prices like any commodity price fluctuation due to the demand and supply effect. (Savage, 2008) 2.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Oligopoly Market Structure The cost of a service of product in under oligopolistic tend to be lower in comparison to that of a monopolistic firm, but more than a competitive market. There is stability in pricing; however the prices would lead to reduction if any other firm reduces. This will impact the profitability of the companies giving a benefit to the customer. As there are barriers to join oligopolies, it gives the firms cost advantages. This is because they would cater to mass production. Consequently it encourages having highly competitive production processes which than improvises the service delivery. (William Boyes, 2008) 3.0 Conclusion To conclude, we can say that OPEC is an oligopoly form of market structure where few nations who have oil reserves decide on the current production and supply of oil with each other consent which directly influences the price of oil. Hence, oligopolistic market structure model explains the behaviour of oil industry and its effects on the market prices. In a recent report (corporation, 2003-2011) states that United States, Canada, Mexico, Russia and China also produces oil and are expected to reduce the need for gasoline in future through its improved techniques and research and development in other forms of energy which will also reduce the affect of dominance of OPEC on the price of oil.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Food And Beverage Industry In India Marketing Essay

Food And Beverage Industry In India Marketing Essay India is one of the largest producers of food and dairy products. But when it comes to processed packaged food and beverages, the market is largely unorganized with huge growth potentials. Continuous urbanization and changing consumer habits, has resulted in greater reliance of people on packaged foods and beverages. With the influx of major international players like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, and efforts by large domestic players like Dabur and Parle Agro, the industry is getting more organized. As a result, the industry is generating more opportunities in sectors like marketing, supply chain, storing, warehousing, manufacturing, packaging and RD. One of the major players, in Indian subcontinent is PepsiCo, Inc. It entered in India in 1989 and established Pepsico India Pvt. Ltd. The liberalization of Indian economy in 1992 helped Pepsico expand its business in India. Currently Pepsico India Pvt. Ltd. has its headquarters in Gurgaon, Haryana. It has facilities for 38 bottling plants and three food plants in India to satisfy the Indian consumer demand. The company has recently faced some decline in profits and increase in the debts but these can be attributed its recent investments in growing Indian market but, overall the financial position of the company is robust and sturdy. The company has got strong laws governing the Intellectual Property and use of companys resources, and is taking initiatives to improve the RD. PepsiCo believes that RD plays a crucial role for the growth of the business and to develops new products and technologies to meet consumer requirements in near future. The major threat to PepsiCo is from the unorganized sector and the large multinational corporations like Coco-Cola Corporation, Pearl Agro etc. PepsiCo is offering substantial product differential by increasingly giving emphasis to health conscious trend, with increasing flavors and verities. PepsiCo plans to invest $500 million in Indian market over the next few years in order to triple its revenues in the region. The investment will spread over half a dozen business areas such as manufacturing, RD, agriculture, product development and market infrastructure. It has taken many steps aimed at tapping the growing market by introducing new products, investing in development plans and Capital expenditure plans. Thus, overall, the companys profile looks promising and ready to strengthen its roots. Contents PEPSICO Food and Beverage Industry in India India is one the largest fastest growing economies in the world with an average growth rate of 7%. With a population size of 1.21 billion it is one of most lucrative markets consumer products. Due to the increase in purchasing power of the people and urbanization of small cities the demand of processed food and beverages has grown manifolds in last few years. Currently the estimated size of the industry is $360 billion. The Ministry of Food Processing has divided the industry into the following areas: Dairy processing, Grain processing, Fish, Fruits Vegetable processing, meat poultry processing and lastly, Packaged goods such as beverages, snacks, processed/ready-to-cook foods. Out of these, packaged and processed food industry is estimated at a smaller US$70 billion. The domestic consumption of non-alcoholic beverages, which include tea and coffee, carbonated drinks and fruit-based drinks account for a little more than US$1.2 billion.  And, with current CAGR of 20% its likely to touch US$2.3 billion by the year 2015. (Chibber, 2011) At present, carbonated or aerated drinks valued at US$370 million contributed to 30% non-alcoholic beverages. Fruit based drinks and energy drinks valued at US $250 million and US$125 million makes for other 30% Structure of the industry Until 1992 reforms and liberalization of Indian economy, the industry was largely unorganized consisting of many small scale firms catering only to domestic market. In packaged food industry size only few organized firms existed with limited product like ketchup, flavors, jam and processed noodles etc. Post liberalization, with the influx of international brands and considerable change in food procurement chain, transportation, storing and warehousing the growth of the industry has been robust and steady. The evolution of innovative food processing capacity and the emergence of organized retail, changing consumption patterns with fast changing demographics and habits has fuelling the next growth trajectory for the food industry in India. With the proposed policy changes in Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) by Government of India for retail sector further accelerated growth is expected in the industry. ( The major players in the industry are Dabur, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Coca-Cola, Pepsico, ITC Ltd, Parle Agro Products, Britannia India, Nestle India, Haldirams, Amul, Godrej Industries, Cadbury Schweppes, Future Group, RPG Enterprise etc. (, 2012) Marketing strategies of the company Indian consumer market is mainly segmented on the basis of geography and demographic. Also the market is highly seasonal and predominantly urban. The products are relatively low cost with low margin but are sold in huge volumes. The marketing strategies are mostly product driven focusing on the masses. Also, innovative products to catering to regional tastes and the needs of niche consumers are been promoted, benefiting in growth of the industry. Most of promotions are done to increase the visibility of the brand. One of the most common practices is to offer the product in wide range package sizes and prices suiting the needs of diverse consumer segments. The promotions and advertisements done by the companies are often large with huge financial costs. The promotions are usually frequent and during popular TV shows, sports event at the peak hour with many celebrity endorsements. Other media like print, digital, banner and hoarding and event sponsorship are also used. (Vora) COMPANY HISTORY: Pepsico Inc., a multinational company, formed in 1965 with the merger of the Pepsi-Cola Company and Fruit-Lay, Inc. Pepsico Inc., since then has expanded from Pepsi to a broader range of food and beverages brands with the largest of which include acquisition of Tropicana in 1998 and a merger with Quaker Oats in 2001, which added the Gatorade brand to its portfolio. ( Pepsico Inc. entered India in 1989 and established Pepsico India Pvt. Ltd. It entered India as an industry for food and agro-based products. Since its entry into India, it had already invested INR 18 billion by the year 2000. In 1990, Indian government liberalized economy on account of severe foreign exchange crises, which helped Pepsico to expand its business in India. In 2002, Pepsico Inc. joined hands with Punjab Agro Export Corporation to process citrus fruits for its Tropicana project. By 2003, Pepsis soft drinks, snacks, fruit juices, mineral water business had established itself firmly in India. It is one of the largest food and beverage industry in India with an investment of over $1 billion. COMPANY SIZE: Pepsico Inc., an American multinational food and beverage corporation headquartered in New York, United States, with interests in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of grain-based snack foods, beverages, and other products. As of January 2012, twenty-two of the PepsiCos product lines generated retail sales of more than $1 billion each and the companys products were distributed across more than 200 countries, resulting in annual net revenues of $43.3 billion. Based on net revenue, Pepsico is the second largest food and beverage business in the world. ( Currently Pepsico India Pvt. Ltd. has its headquarters in Gurgaon, Haryana. It has facilities for 38 bottling plants and three food plants in India to satisfy the Indian consumer demand. It presently employs 6400 people and provides indirect employment to almost 200,000 people through its production and distribution activities. ( GROWTH ANALYSIS: Pepsico Inc., between 1970s and 1990s has expanded via acquisition of businesses outside of its core focus of packaged food and beverage brands. It concluded its disinvestments by 2007 and was followed by multiple large scale acquisitions, as Pepsico continued its expansion beyond snack food and beverage lines. In August 2009, Pepsico made a $7 billion offer to acquire the two largest bottlers of its products in North America: Pepsi Bottling Group and PepsiAmericas. ( Growth for 2013 is expected to improve to sales growth of 4.5% and profit of 8.3% to $4.44 per share. (Fuhrmann, 2012) Pepsico in India in a short period, it has grown to be one of the Indias largest and fastest growing food and beverage industry in the country. PepsiCos Indias growth has been guided by PepsiCos global vision of Performance with Purpose. This means, while businesses maximize shareholder value, they have a responsibility to all the stakeholders, including the communities in which they operate, the consumers they serve and the environment whose resources they use. ( Changes in the Environment of Industry: With the growing GDP, the purchasing power of the people is also growing. People nowadays demand convenience and are willing to pay extra for it. As their work habits and lifestyles have changed, its now all about time, and the consumer would rather buy time than prepare food. With busier lifestyle of the people, smaller and more frequent meals are becoming common, resulting in higher demand for the packaged food and drinks. The people have become health conscious, so, nutrition is becoming an important consideration when purchasing food and drinks. In 2003, allegations were made against the major player in the soft drinks industry for using harmful insecticides and pesticides in the soft drink. This lead to drop in sales of the soft drinks for some time, till the time the confidence in the minds of people was restored. The major players are diversifying its product portfolios both in the food, health and soft drinks segment in order to cater different customer segment. Celebrity endorsement has become a differentiating factor in the highly competitive industry. Future Outlook: The per capita consumption of the packaged food and drinks in India is expected to rise with the increase in the disposable incomes of the people. In India, tea is the only product which has a mature market. Other beverages such as carbonated drinks and functional drinks have been experiencing a consistent high growth rate. With the women increasingly joining the work force and households becoming smaller, packaged food products and beverages will be in higher demand. With the increasing urbanization, there is increased acceptance and greater demand for packaged food and beverages product in India. Companys Operational Analysis Marketing and Operation: PepsiCo spends high amount on advertisement to reinforce its product by promotion and quickly make the customer aware about their new products. To enter in the different segments of consumers, it created different verticals in the functions like sales, marketing, operations and distribution. PepsiCo constantly looks for acquisition in emerging markets. It has created the point of difference from their competitors by providing unique taste to its product to suit Indian market needs and also provides the product in lower price compared to its competitors. Pepsi has segmented the market based on income level and tried focus on level 1 and level 2 (Exhibit 1) customers and focused on the age group of 15-30. Pepsi mainly sends out the goods from its plants to retailers directly, from where, they are distributed to small retailers to generate its sales volume. It also helps them to reduce the long journey in poor roads. The increase in use of vending machine helps to decrease the number of refilling. The increase in sales is due to the expansion of super/hyper markets in India. Financial Analysis: Based on the financial statement of the year 2011 of PepsiCo India the operating revenue increased by 23.63%. That is 3,360.85 tens of millions to INR 4,155.14 tens of million. There is 1.62 % change in operating income, it was increased to INR 246.81 tens of million from INR 242.88 tens of million. But the Return on Assets (ROA) went down by 0.02% from 2.79% and Return on equity also went down by 0.04%. Compare to the last year the net profit margin fell by 0.01% from 1.89%. The Debt to Equity ratio was 169.96% compared to 156.98% of last year but the current ratio went up to 2.07 from 1.97 compared to the previous year. (Refer Exhibit 2 for details) ( Legal Operations: Using Trademarks and Intellectual Property: The intellectual property of the company is an invaluable asset and must be used properly. No one is allowed to use the trademarks or intellectual property of the company without proper authorization and license agreement that has been approved by Law Department. Email, Internet and other Information System: The PepsiCos information technology must be used only for the business operations of the company and must comply with the Information Security Policy and Acceptable Use Standards. It is not a usual practice to monitor the employees use of companys information systems. ( RD Analysis: PepsiCo has taken many initiatives to improve its RD capabilities and recently opened a RD department in Germany and Co. Cork, which will support both Europe and other markets where PepsiCo operates. PepsiCo knows that RD plays a crucial role for the growth of the business and to develop new products and technologies to meet consumer requirements in near future. PepsiCo always focused on the outcomes which will help them to get more good ideas and create more good jobs. (, 2012) Industry Analysis and Growth plans Worldwide, in the year 2010, top ten soft drink companies, including, PepsiCo, Nestle, Coca-Cola and Suntory Holdings, accounted for 52.3% of overall sales with PepsiCo holding 11.5% share. (Exhibit 3) In India, however, it holds 24.2% market share. (Exhibit4) (Eleanore Alexander, 2011) The Indian beverage and food industry is estimated to grow at a CAGR of about 7.5% during 2009-2013. Introduction of organized retail, innovative food processing methods, changes in consumer consumption patterns and fast changing demographics; has ensured exponential growth. Specifically, the Indian non-alcoholic drinks market is expected to grow at CAGR of 15% during this period. (Anonymous, 2011) PepsiCo plans to invest $500 million in Indian market over the next few years in order to triple its revenues in the region. The investment will spread over half a dozen business areas such as manufacturing, RD, agriculture, product development and market infrastructure. (Pande, 2010) It has taken many steps aimed at tapping the growing market by introducing new products, investing in development plans and Capital expenditure plans. (*Source: Bloomberg, IMAP) PepsiCo introduced following products as per their expansion plans: It launched PureVia (a zero-calorie sweetener) using Setvia, a natural herbal, to cater to health conscious customers. PepsiCo recently acquired Brazilian coconut-water manufacturer Amacoco Nordeste Ltd. to cater to increasing customer inclination towards it. Pushing hard in healthy snack options by expanding baked snack brand Aliva from four variants to six new variants. Eliminating almost all trans fats from their U.S. product portfolio and any of their global products. In India, they have 40  percent reduction in saturated fat in leading products (by using blended rice bran oil) such as Kurkure namkeen snacks and Lays potato chips. Pepsi introduced their latest drink aimed at health conscious customers. Pepsi Next is a right mix of cola flavor and a blend of sweeteners to closely mimic the taste curve is a regular cola. (Morefield, 2012) They have developed a plan to introduce fortified biscuits and snacks at affordable rates to address iron deficiency anemia. Last year they expanded their Sangareddy and Mahul production facilities in India, creating 5,000 direct and indirect jobs. (IMAP, 2010) As per companys annual report, We increased our investment in emerging markets selling and delivery systems by putting more coolers in the market and adding route and distribution capacity ahead of growth in India, China, Russia and other countries. Notably, our India business grew at about 2.5 times Indias real GDP growth rate. (Author, 2010) The company recently took another major step in order to expand in terms of volume as part of promotional offers. It cut the price of 600 ml PET bottles to INR 25 from INR 28. However, its rival Coca-Cola has decided not to follow this strategy. (Bhushan, 2012) Porters five forces analysis As shown in Exhibit, Porters five forces help to analyze an industry taking care of various influencers. The five forces are: (Exhibit 5) Threat of substitutes: Soft drink industry offers substantial product differentiation. However, substitutes like bottled water, sports drinks, tea etc. are increasingly getting popular with health conscious trend. With increasing flavors and varieties, these products pose a strong threat to the industry. Threat of new entrants: Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co dominate the soft drink industry. In addition, the industry is fully saturated and minimal chances of growth making it extremely difficult for new players to start competing. Moreover, huge fixed costs are needed and thus new entrants cannot compete without economies of scale. Therefore new entrants do not create significant threat. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers of bottling equipment and packaging hold no power. Companies mostly own the majority of the bottling and hence suppliers do not hold much bargaining power. For sugar and additives suppliers, since there are a lot of them, soft drink manufacturer can shift supplier leaving almost no bargaining power with suppliers. Bargaining power of buyers: The buyers mainly include large grocers, restaurants and stores. The soft drink companies distribute products to these stores, who later resale to the consumers. Different levels of bargaining power exist with discount stores having a lot of it due to large demand whereas restaurants ordering low volume fail to have any bargaining power. Intensity of existing rivalry: Carbonated software industry is a huge industry. Currently few competitors exist and hence it allows multiple firms and producers to prosper. Overall analysis from the point of view of a summer intern in PepsiCo India: The compounded annual growth of more than 7% and the population size of more than 1.21 billion, India is one of the most promising markets for the food and beverage industry. With the current trend, the industry is estimated to grow to $360 billion by 2015. The industry at large is still unorganized with huge opportunities in retailing, supply chain, marketing and RD sides. With the proposed FDI and influx of international players, the sector will be witnessing exponential growth in its organized sector. This will also allow the expansion of the sector in the rural area which is largely untapped. Currently the organized market employes more than 2 million people and this sector has been given high priority by govt. of India. The major players like Dabur, Coca cola, PepsiCo, and Parle are already investing huge amount in both infrastructure and intellectual talent to capitalize the increasing market share. PepsiCo is one of the largest players in the food and beverage industry with its presence in more than 200 countries. Within its 20 years of operation in India the company has grown by many folds. With the new relaxes norms in FMCG industry, PepsiCo is aggressively investing in the Indian markets. Sensing the chances of increasing market share and performing better by catering to new niche markets, it plans to invest more than $500 million in coming years. The company is also looking forward to diversify its product portfolio either by starting newer products or by acquisitions along with initiatives at improving its supply chain and other manufacturing services. Financial data also looks promising with 23.63% revenue growth and 1.62% operating profit increment. Though, other financial ratios like ROA, ROE and margins have fallen compared to previous year, it is actually infected by the huge investment company is making into Indian market. As per CEO Indira Nooyi, the company plans earned highest profit worldwide from Indian sector in Q3 of 2010. Thus, it is quite evident that PepsiCo India is a market leader. Gradually but steadily, it is closing the gap with rank one player, Coca-Cola. The company looks very promising for learning and developing market understanding. As an intern, this offer would help me apply my ideas backed with the theoretical knowledge gained at my MBA program. With company paying specific attention to various business fields like supply chain, infrastructure and sales, this job will help me learn all these aspects and not limit my learning a particular domain. I look forward to this offer as a chance to ensure a final placement in PepsiCo India to give a kick start to my professional carrier. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Breakdown of Indian population by income Exhibit 2: Companies Annual reports Exhibit 3: Worldwide soft drink market Exhibit4: Soft drink industry in India Exhibit5: Porters Five Forces

Monday, August 19, 2019

Reforming Education :: Learning Teaching School Essays

Reforming Education There are many factors that contribute to a successful education. For students in K-12 the most important factor is parent involvement. The reason that parent involvement is so necessary is because there is only one teacher per 25-30 students. Even though the education law passed in California has allowed for smaller classrooms it is still difficult to give children personal attention. Parent involvement in education can also be viewed as a cultural attitude. The Asian American families that have immigrated to the United States take an active role in their child's education. The child also understands that it is expected that they succeed in school. Many of these immigrants have come from countries, like Vietnam and Korea, that have been torn apart by war. They view education as a way to move up the economic ladder. The parents will often sacrifice their own needs to make sure that their child succeeds by working more than one job in order to pay for tutors or special schools. The special schools that these children attend are known as cram schools. Long a tradition in the Far East, where competition to get into a top university borders on the fanatic, cram schools of Asia have begun to appear in this country too. (New York Times Jan 29, 1995) For immigrants these schools are helpful because it will strengthen the students' English skills. The schools are useful to these students because most of these students are recent immigrants that have not fully developed their English skills. For students that were born in the United States parent involvement can help reinforce what the student has been taught in school. In California this has become even more of a challenge because of language barriers. According to the United States 1990 census California shows the following: European American 69% Hispanic 25.8% Asian 9.5% African 7.4% The 1990 census also contained the following data in regards to the primary language spoken in the home for children between 5-17 years old: Speaks only English 3484048 Speaks only Spanish 248586 Speaks Asian or Pacific Island 6647 Enrolled in elementary/high school over 3 years old: White 3119767 Black 441880 American Indian 50082 Asian or Pacific Islander 572418 Unfortunately many parents are uninformed of the power they posses when dealing with the schools. An excellent book that discusses what power the parents process in dealing with their child's school is "Getting the Best Education for your Child" written by James Keogh.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Julius Caesar Comparsion :: essays research papers

Many of the problems that Julius Caesar faced during his rule are still problems that the world still faces today. In William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar the problems are clearly evident. The main problem is the inherit distrust in people of government that is caused by unstable governments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One relationship between the PRI in Mexico and the Government of J.C. is that the people might think that they are running the government but they actually are not. For example in Mexico the PRI appoints every political offices and nominations. The same event happened in J.C. Brutus did not like the way J.C. was ruling things and was afraid that he was going to take the crown. Brutus and some other friends planed a conspiracy and assassinated J.C. That ties in to Mexico’s dilemma because the people like having J.C. ruling but Brutus did not care about the people. That is happing in Mexico too the PRI is just looking out to help out them self’s they don’t care about the well fare of the people. One other relationship is that Brutus portrays the PRI in a way that the PRI does not care about the way the government is functioning now. Brutus will turn it upside down I a second to try and make it they way he want’s. When Brutus killed Caesar it disorganized the government until the war over and Mark Anthony took over. When a country has a civil war it creates a real vonerable time for the country, when Mark Anthony and Brutus split up the Roman Empire for a civil war it left Rome extremely defenseless. Any big county could reek havoc over Rome which just had there favorite leader assassinated by a trusted general with a lot of honor. The same event is happing right now in Mexico the peso is dropping every day and for the past twenty years the president has promising that they will stop being a third world country. As you can see having trust in a leader is vital to the well being of a county, do you think if the citizens knew that there president would not get them out o f being a third world county they would have chosen them. Of course not, but Mexico also has some other problems like corruption a lot of the political stuff that happens in Mexico is under the table.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Insy 3270 Week 2 Chapter 2 Case on Case Essay

1. Describe the global economy forces that pushed creativity to move up the value chain. Creativity is one of the top five wholesale suppliers to national craft chains in the United States with 500 employees and for office and warehouse locations in California and one in Hong Kong. Studies are showing that the company creativity has proven to outsource the manufacturing across Asia. Creativity is also found strong business models that are capable of dealing with the current growing globalization and economy hardships. This model helps creativity save money, downsize, and purchase crafting material directly from the Asian manufacturers. The company creativity uses a software from IBM called Cognos eight business intelligence suit. This software identifies high-value products that cannot be manufactured by low-cost overseas competitors. Cognos also determines which customers segments are most profitable. 2. What information did creativity use to boost his profits and remain solvent? Creativity use the Cognos software and smarter software, smart forecast programs, to determine the need for more design oriented, fashion oriented products. With this software creativity set for two shift his focus to fashion-based craft products. Creativity learn that if they shift its focus to fashion-based crafts the company can make up for the business that they loss in dealing with low costs crafting material market. Critical thinking question 1. what role does communication play in creating saving for a multi-brand company like creative? Communication was a strong factor in building a company like creative. Communication Further the company in their futuristic goals. The communication improvements that creativity set for their company helps safeguard against duplications of efforts. Strong communication decreases accounting errors. Strong communication help decrease call center, weblogs, external sources, and sales rep errors. 2. What lesson does creative story provide for U.S. businesses? What does this forecast for the global marketplace in general? The story that the company creative really demonstrates how a business can transcend into a corporation. The short goals that creative set, the strategy plan that the company used are really strong tactics that any entrepreneur should take into consideration of using. Downsizing and shifting their focus on low costs, fashion-based, and high demand customer consumer product products really gave created a strong leverage nationally. Case 2 Discussion questions 1. What social and economic forces are causing the media industry to redefine its business model? Social economy factors in today’s networking systems are being redefined because of short end transitions. Lots of advertising companies has accredited the Internet to be a powerful marketing tool. The Internet has proven to be a powerful marketing force that many small businesses are now turning to for digital media. 2. What changes are those in the media industry making to adapt to their financial challenges? A few companies has resulted to layoffs, and replacing those employees with outsourced services from other companies. Critical thinking questions 1. What risk to quality, if any, do media companies face when outsourcing editing and content creation to overseas countries? Cuts, are the acute risks to quality. Layoffs can cause quality towards the organization. Cutting expenses downsizing on ingredients and material is another form of quality reduction. Media companies are now Outsourcing editorial services and content creation. This form of outsourcing helps distinguish themselves from other companies. 2. How does the centralized and outsourcing services and the media industry compared to centralizing and outsourcing and other businesses? Outsourcing involves contracting with outside professional services to meet specific business needs. Studies have shown that simple solutions like centralizing and outsourcing operations to make up for lost revenue helps media industries as well as other small businesses. Centralizing and outsourcing services in the media industry involves a transition between advertising from public marketing to the Internet. Other small businesses are also using the same transition from newspaper, television advertisement to digital media. .

Conclusion The combination of biased emotional sentences Essay

â€Å"It’s very hard to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And no matter where you run into it, prejudice obscures the truth. † This quote from the â€Å"12 angry men† is, probably, the best sum of the bias’s meaning in the movie. Most of the jurors have their own prejudices and some of them play the important role in the movie’s plot. 12 angry men and the role of bias One of the main ideas of this film is that people’s bias often affects on their opinion. The last part of the movie proves this idea clearly. The most biased is juror 3. After the vote 8-4 â€Å"Not guilty† most of the arguments are aimed on his persuasion but juror #3 resists these attempts. At last he confesses he is biased against the young men because of his own conflict with his son. Even when 11 jurors found the boy to be not guilty, the juror #3 doesn’t agree. He is sure that the boy shouldn’t even tell to his father â€Å"I’m gonna kill you,† but the roots of his opinion go back to his own son who punched him in the face. Another biased person is juror#10. His sentences are full of racism and intolerance. He reveals his biases in the following words: â€Å"I’m telling ya, they let those kids run wild up there. Well, maybe it serves ’em right. † Conclusion The combination of biased emotional sentences and the deductive reasonable arguments makes the dialogues in the movie breathtaking and the plot dynamical. References â€Å"12 angry men† – Movie Quotes. Retrieved at http://www. cinemasavvy. com/moviequotes/1/12angrymenquotes. html

Friday, August 16, 2019

What Is Sip Trunk

What a SIP trunk is? A SIP trunk is an IP connection that establishes a SIP communications link between your organization and an Internet telephony service provider (ITSP) beyond your firewall. Typically, a SIP trunk is used to connect your organization’s central site to an ITSP. In some cases, you may also opt to use SIP trunking to connect your branch site to an ITSP. Unlike in traditional telephony, where bundles of physical wires were once delivered from the service provider to a business, a SIP trunk allows a company to replace these traditional fixed PSTN lines with PSTN connectivity via a SIP trunking service provider on the Internet.SIP trunks can offer significant cost-savings for enterprises, eliminating the need for local PSTN gateways, costly ISDN BRIs (Basic Rate Interfaces) or PRIs (Primary Rate Interfaces). Why you would use a SIP trunk? Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to initiate and manage Voice over IP (VoIP) communications sessions for basic teleph one service and for additional real-time communication services, such as instant messaging, conferencing, presence detection, and multimedia. This section provides planning information for implementing SIP trunks, a type of SIP connection that extends beyond the boundary of your local network.Deploying SIP trunking can be a big step toward simplifying your organization’s telecommunications and preparing for up-to-date enhancements to real-time communications. One of the primary advantages of SIP trunking is that you can consolidate your organization’s connections to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) at a central site, as opposed to its predecessor, time division multiplexing (TDM) trunking, which typically requires a separate trunk from each branch site. RFCs that discuss SIP trunking Best Practices for SIP Trunks:Since SIP trunks are meant for interconnection between servers, they SHOULD run over TCP. Authentication SHOULD be done using mutual TLS authentic ation, with both sides of the trunk providing a TLS Certificate. TODO: might be interesting to recommend some practices for usage of phone numbers, but this might be out of scope here. Security Considerations: Servers providing SIP trunks will need to authenticate and authorize access to those trunk services. This specification recommends usage of the practices defined and required in RFC 3261 – mutual TLS uthentication – for this purpose. In some cases, the requests sent on SIP trunks can require confidentiality and message integrity. In such cases, usage of mutual authenticated TLS is RECOMMENDED. [RFC3261] Rosenberg, J. , Schulzrinne, H. , Camarillo, G. , Johnston, A. , Peterson, J. , Sparks, R. , Handley, M. , and E Schooler, â€Å"SIP: Session Initiation Protocol†, RFC 3261, June 2002. [RFC3263] Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers†, RFC 3263, June 2002.Informative References: [RFC4458] Jenni ngs, C. , Audet, F. , and J. Elwell, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URIs for Applications such as Voicemail and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)†, RFC 4458, April 2006. [RFC4480] Schulzrinne, H. , Gurbani, V. , Kyzivat, P. , and J. Rosenberg, â€Å"RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)†, RFC 4480, July 2006. [RFC3903] Niemi, A. , â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Event State Publication†, RFC 3903, October 2004.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Revies Of Related Literature And Studies Essay

According to the article of Grace Melanie Lacamiento 2012 entitled Mobile apps could be huge export product for Phl, the tremendous growth of Smartphone usage in the country make the creation of mobile applications a lucrative option that local developers and start-up technopreneurs should look into. Alvin Gendrano, director of Microsoft Philippines Developers and Platform Group, said that now is a ripe opportunity for the creation of mobile applications. Software products such as games, musical content and applications, could be a huge export market for the Philippines. Even the lack of ï ¬ nancial resources, he said that Filipino software engineers could start with a small team to take advantage of the demand for digital products in the global market along with other developers in advance countries. If we have more Filipino apps in the market, there is a chance that one will make it big. We dont have something similar to Angry Birds or Fruit ninja but once we have a Philippine application that is world renowned, then we would make it, he added. Chief executive oï ¬Æ'cer Jerry Rapes there are diï ¬â‚¬erent segments in the mobile application that developers could exploit. They must consider developing apps for lifestyle, entertainment, enterprises, healthcare and gaming. He further said that success in the industry depends on the skills, determination and passion to build software products. You have to work more, fail more, and produce more. Dont be scared of failing since failure gives you higher opportunity towards success. Software development doesnt need a lot of investment. It requires whats within your brain   and your passion, he said. This article discussed how Filipino developers can contribute to the fast growing development of mobile application because of the trends on mobile application. It also discussed that the success in developing software  product depends on the skills and determination and passion of the developer. With this proposed application this will help the researcher to upgrade his programming language and gain knowledge in developing a mobile application that can contribute to fast growing mobile apps in the Philippines. From the article of anonymous writer from the internet, 2009 entitled Using Mobile Phones as Teachers in The Philippines Twenty public elementary schools in Ilagan Isabela Philippines are now capable of accessing interactive multimedia educational videos through the use of mobile phones. Text2Teach is a program that makes use of mobile technology so that schools can have access to rich multimedia videos. It aims to improve the quality of teaching in grades 5 and 6 in public elementary schools by providing highly interactive, easy to use multimedia packages designed to help make learning more exciting and meaningful among students. Using a Nokia N95 8GB mobile phone, 387 interactive, educational videos in math, science, and English are pre-loaded into the phones for the teachers to choose from. A teacher simply plugs the phone into a TV and plays the video lesson for the day in the classroom for the students to enjoy and learn from. The 3 to 5-minute educational videos created for the project bring these subjects to life, illustrating key concepts, skills, and competencies that students are expected to master. These video lesson plans also help make teachers’ lives easier and are compliant with the Basic Education Curriculum. In the future, additional educational videos will be   developed and these will be accessed by the schools using Globe’s 3G technology. The article describe the use of mobile phone of elementary schools in Ilagan Isabela Philippines in accessing interactive multimedia educational videos to bring the subject to life, illustrating key concepts, skills, and competencies that students are expected to master and to improve the quality of education, it also help the teaching and the learning more easier. The article relates to the researchers proposed study might also help the students in bringing the subject to life, illustrating key  concepts, skills, and competencies for students to master and also help the teaching and the learning easier and faster through the use of mobile application. From the article of Tatin Yang in 2012 entitled Learning in tablet form, the iPad was a game changer in so many ways. The tablet was a portable medium that can access and store information, images, music, videogames and other various needs, with the battery life that could last all day. With other brands producing their own versions of iPads, tablet computing is back in a huge and permanent way. With the tablet becoming indispensable in many trades, it was only a matter of time before they became ï ¬ xtures in schools. Lozada said, The tablet is very teacher friendly. Its the same lesson plan and the same teaching methods; its just a medium thats diï ¬â‚¬erent. Tablets are an appliance working for the students as a personal learning device; for teacher its a personal teaching device, he States.3 The article explain the usability of the iPad tablets, it can enhance the learning of the student and be more interested to learn the subject. In relation to the researcher proposed application, tablets and smartphone will be the medium and the application is the learning software this can be used by the student as their personal learning device. The proponent relates to the three literatures on the idea and concepts on enhancing the learning process of the students through the use of the new technology. FOREIGN LITERATURE From the article of Tavangarian D., E-learning includes all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching, including educational technology. The information and communication systems, whether networked learning or not, serve as speciï ¬ c media to implement the learning process.[1] This often involves both out-of-classroom and in-classroom educational experiences via technology, even as advances continue in regard to devices and curriculum. Abbreviations like CBT (Computer-Based Training), IBT (Internet-Based Training) or WBT (Web-Based Training) have been used as synonyms to e-learning. E-learning is the computer and network-enabled  transfer of skills and knowledge. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual education opportunities and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM. It can be selfpaced or instructor-led and incl udes media in the form of text, image, animation, streaming video and audio. It is commonly thought that new technologies can make a big diï ¬â‚¬erence in education.[2] In particular, children can interact with new media, and develop their skills, knowledge, perception of the world, under their parents’ monitoring, of course. Many proponents of e-learning believe that everyone must be equipped with basic knowledge of technology, as well as use it as a medium to reach a particular goal. This article deï ¬ nes E-learning includes all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching, including educational technology and how new technologies can make a big diï ¬â‚¬erence in education. Children can interact with new media, and develop their skills, knowledge. It can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of text, image, animation, streaming video and audio. With the researchers proposed project, he will include those form of media so that students can interact with the application for them to learn and develop their skills. From the article of anonymous writer on the internet, entitled Three Learning Styles, everyone processes and learns new information in diï ¬â‚¬erent ways. There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The common characteristics of each learning style listed below can help you understand how you learn and what methods of learning best ï ¬ ts you. Understanding how you learn can help maximize time you spend studying by incorporating diï ¬â‚¬erent techniques to custom ï ¬ t various subjects, concepts, and learning objectives. Each preferred learning style has methods that ï ¬ t the diï ¬â‚¬erent ways an individual may learn best. Visual (1) Uses visual objects such as graphs, charts, pictures, and seeing information, (2) Can read body language well and has a good perception of aesthetics, (3) Able to memorize and recall various information, (4) Tends to remember things that are written  down, (5) Learns better in lectures by watching them. Auditory (1) Retains information through hearing and speaking, (2) Often prefers to be told how to do things and then summarizes the main points out loud to help with memorization, (3) Notices diï ¬â‚¬erent aspects of speaking, (4) Often has talents in music and may concentrate better with soft music playing in the background. Kinesthetic (1) Likes to use the hands-on approach to learn new material, (2) Is generally good in   math and science, (3) Would rather demonstrate how to do something rather than verbally explain it. In this article the researcher gain ideas and understanding about the learning process of individual. In relation to the researchers proposed project, he will include the three main cognitive learning styles such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic through the form of animation and voice over for the students to help them in their learning style that best ï ¬ ts them. According to the article of Baiyun Chen and Aimee Denoyelles, 2013 entitled †Exploring Students Mobile Learning Practices in Higher Education mobile technologies are playing an increasingly important role in college students academic lives. Devices like smartphones, tablets, and e-book readers connects to the world instantly, heightening access to information and enabling interactivity with others. Application that run on this devices let user not only consume but also discover the produce content. As such, they continue to transform how college student learn, as well as inï ¬â€šuence their learning preferences, both within and outside the classroom. The popularity of mobile technologies among college students in increasing dramatically. Results from the ECAR research study on study suggest that many undergraduate students bring their own digital devices to college, favoring small portable ones such as smartphones and tablets. Although students still  rate laptops (85 percen t) as the most important devices to their academic success, the importance of mobile devices such as tablets (45 percent), smart phones (37 percent), and e-book readers (31 percent) is noticeably on the rise. Increasingly, students say they want the ability to access academic resources on their mobile devices. In fact, 67 percent of students smart phone and tablets are reportedly being used for academic   purposes, a rate that has nearly doubled in just one year. Convenience, ï ¬â€šexibility, engagement, and interactivity are all factors that more attractive to students. With these trends in mind, it is not surprising the New Media Consortiums 2013 Horizon Report predicted that mobile applications and tablet computing will have a time-to-adoption of one year or less in higher education. Many universities now uses mobile technologies and create mobile-optimized versions of their websites or build stand-alone applications that can be downloaded from mobile application stores.6 This article discuss the popularity of mobile technologies among college students, favoring small and portable ones such as smartphones and tablets, and the need to access academic resources on their mobile devices . In relation to the researcher proposed application this can help the college students who are taking P.E 3 in their academic lives, they can use it to access their academic resources using their mobile devices. All the three foreign literature was related to the proposed application of the researcher. This articles will prove that the researchers proposed application will be helpful and useful for the students in their educational attainment. LOCAL STUDY In reference to Agustine, Mona Lisa, 2009 entitled E-Learning System in Computer 1, It is designed for the students in Divine Word College of Legazpi particularly students who are taking computer 1 subject. The students can view and access all the lessons through computer. The system also include computer animations and voice over which informational and interactive. It plays important role in class not just because its new but  supplementary tool in teaching and learning, especially when the instructor are absent. The system was developed so that the   students in the class can still continue their lessons without the presence of their instructor and learn by their own pace. It gives an advantage and diï ¬â‚¬erence between the traditional teaching methods. This reference of study tackles about the signiï ¬ cance of the e-learning for the student taking up computer 1 in Divine Word College of Legazpi. This study give the researcher the idea to also develop a software that will give the students a supplementary tool and help them to learn the subject in their own paces and learn the subject even without the instructor. According to Francis Dino, 2013 entitled Asia Pocket Atlas the proposed system aims to make learning process entertaining for students to encourage them to learn and at the same time teach them to use the technology wisely. This study will help kids learn and explore about Asian continent and have fun as well. This will be a good reference tool not just for the students but also for the teachers. Most mobile applications easily present information will be presented in audio and still-captured images. This study will be a fun and interesting learning experience for the students, teachers, and people who are in the maps.8 This reference of study teach the kids to use the technology wisely and to learn the Asian continent in entertaining and fun way. In relation to the researcher proposed system this will also teach the student to use the technology wisely, they will not just learn the subject P.E 3, but also it will be fun because of the animation and voice over and it will entertain t hem because of the series of test that the application will provide. According to Lino Bajar and Chester Sangal, 2011 entitled Cars and Cows Game Development, the main objective of the system is to produce a computer game   that can enhance and develop mental alertness. The game focuses in preventing hitting the cows and overcome the obstacle in a given level within the users mental alertness and help to develop their practical skills, and serve as a form of exercise.9 In relation to the researcher proposed application, the series of test will also enhance and develop the mental alertness and practical skills of the student, it will also serve as an exercise for them in retaining what they have learned from the subject. All the three local studies give the researcher an additional feature that can be added to the proposed application. It helps the researcher ideas and concepts of what will happen to the application. It also help the researcher through the paces of the process of the application. FOREIGN STUDY From the study of Y. Tanaka in 2012 entitled Usefulness of the Multimedia feedback of the Physical Education using E-learning In recent years, the report that the eï ¬â‚¬ect of instruction increases by utilizing an image for instruction of a sport is carried out in respect of the university physical education (Takamatsu et al., 2000) and in playing sports (Takahashi and Iwashima, 2008) etc. Thus, although it is admitted in general that the feedback using an image is eï ¬â‚¬ective in motor learning, it is diï ¬Æ'cult to feedback to all students in limited class hours. Furthermore, in order to show the image to the outside of school hours, much time and eï ¬â‚¬ort, such as writing out of media, were required. However, in recent years, †e-learning† in which taking an examination and the attendance of a class using the Internet are possible is spreading. The student is able to look at not only a character but an   image by using this. As another merit, if there is internet connection it becomes possible to watch and download the contents of the class anytime and anywhere. The object class was †volleyball† for undergraduate physical education students. The main purpose of this class is the acquisition of the  toss. This class performs 90 minutes once per week, and is performing 15 times in all. We photographed the image of the class with 4-6 digital video camera and edited the image and showed it on e-learning and allowed a student to download the picture freely. In addition, added a caption to the sample image of the drill and a technical commentary image and showed it. We carried out a questionnaire about the multimedia feedback to a study student at the time of the class end. As a result, many positive replies, the image of a class is useful, It was good that I was able to watch my ï ¬ gure by image and to watch an image is useful for skill acquisition etc., were obtained. Moreover, many requests of †liking to see the image of a sample, one’s image, and a skillful student’s image† were also obtained.10 The purpose of this study is to clarify usefulness of performing multimedia feedback which used e-learning in university physical education and it seems that the multimedia feedback using e-learning in physical education helps a technical improvement and a will improvement. In relation to the researcher proposed application, he believes that this study will be eï ¬â‚¬ective and useful to the students in their motor learning and skills acquisition. From the study of Huang, Chun-Hong, 2010 entitled E-learning on Physical education of Utilizing Multimedia Contents In contrast with the traditional instructional method in physical education, the adaptation of computer information technology brings a great number of changes with extensive advantages. According   to this reason, the major purpose of this paper tries to utilize the information technology in order to fabricate physical education courses with multimedia contents integrated with an E-learning Platform. In this project, the major courses provided by platform include sports skill and movement, exercise rule, and injury treatment. The teaching materials and contents of the courses are represented using multimedia information technologies which include video, ï ¬â€šash animation. Instructions on physical education using multimedia information technologies not only motivate classroom atmosphere  but also inspire students’ strong interest in learning and acti ve participation. These advantages may not be supplied by other instructional tools. Via the usage of this physical education E-learning platform, we hope to encourage players to perform eï ¬Æ'cient self-learning for sports skills, indirect foster mutual help, cooperation, and nice norms of law-abiding via the learning of athletic rules, and to become familiar with accurate recreation knowledge as well as ï ¬ rst aid expertise. The study is another discussion about the physical education using e-learning platform. It tackles about the great advantage of physical education when integrated to multimedia information technologies. This study relates to the researcher proposed application that also wants to integrate physical education into information technology because he believes that the advantage of information technology may not be supplied by other instructional tool. The study of Tan-Hsu Tan and Tsung-Yu Liu, 2004 entitled The mobilebased interactive learning environment (MOBILE) and a case study for assisting elementary school English learning This research develops a mobile-based interactive learning environment (MOBILE) for aiding elementary school English learning. The MOBILE consists of a mobile learning server and mobile learning tools, which is able to support in- or outdoor learning activities. Several theme-based mobile learning activities including body parts learning and creation of species are conducted. Experimental results obtained from posttests and questionnaire indicate that the MOBILE can signiï ¬ cantly increase students’ interest and eï ¬â‚¬ect in learning English as compared to the traditional manner.12 This reference of study is discussion about mobile-based interactive learning tool that support in or outdoor learning activities. In relation to the researcher proposed application students will also have a mobile-based interactive learning tool in physical education that will support them in their in and outdoor activities. All three foreign study will show that the researcher proposed application is useful and has a signiï ¬ cance in the  students learning and this will give them advantage and beneï ¬ ts.